
Monday, February 28, 2011

My First "Job" ;)

Okay, so I wasn't paid... but I'll still count it as a job :P
Amanda is doing a project on the 7 deadly sins for her IB art project. I asked her to model lust for me in my project, and she asked me to take photos of her make up ! :D
Today she did sloth, check it out! :)

Isn't it cool? :) 
Another one of my friends had found this area of a wall in the art room when he started with his project, it was just perfect for the photo! :) I was also shocked when they really like my photos, really like them! I mean I knew people liked my photos, but it was just something different for someone that I'm not as close with telling me that I'm good. It was so exciting :D

Turns out, Maram is quite the model, look at this photo: :)

There were many more that were quite wonderful, but honestly I'm too lazy to upload them to this site. It's so slow on here! :)

So after the photo shoot with Maram to show off Amanda's amazing art, we ventured out and took some pictures around the school. We found a mini junk yard that we never knew existed and a whole bunch of textures around the school campus that were just hidden :)

Ayman is really quite the model! He pulled some poses I wouldn't have even considered, love this guy ! :D

This was taken in the mini junk yard we found in the campus. :) I think that this picture holds a lot of symbolism, I think I'll call it "Where to Now?"

I like the point of view of these photos, it kinda looks like the fence stretches n for a very long time! :)

There of course, were many many more photos.  It just takes too long to upload them with my internet connection. :( I learned a lot today, and I can't wait to learn more :)

March 2, 2011

Amanda's make up for pride. :)

For the pride shot, I knew I wanted Ayman to be back lit. I wanted that sort of "I'm on top of the world" feel to it, you know? I didn't quite get the halo that I wanted (I think it was the angle I was in... Hm... not sure on that one... any ideas?), but I think it still gives off that kind of feel. I also wanted a sort of angle where he was looking down on us. And of course, I wanted something that showed Amanda's beautiful work! :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

7 Deadly Sins Project

So I'm definitely one for thinking out of the box. I think it's the only way to truly mold your creativity or anything really! :) 
So I know that the 7 deadly sins is a very common project for many photographers, but I think it's a good idea for me. I have never done a full series before and this has the potential to be an extremely useful learning experience! Of course, my need to be different is driving me insane as I'm paranoid I'm being too 'normal'. Then I thought to myself, the 7 deadly sins project is popular because it's something that you can mold into your own, even if the idea is the same. 
With that idea, I started to think less about being 'unique' and more about how I wanted to portray my ideas through the pictures. Now I have a concept forming, I don't know if all of my models will be very accepting of the location I have chosen, but we'll see. :) 
In case you didn't know, here are the 7 deadly sins and brief definitions (if I'm wrong on any of these, please correct me!):

1) Sloth: Not living up to ones full potential; extreme laziness. 
2) Wrath: Purest form of anger.
3) Gluttony: Over-indulging; eating/consuming more than one needs.
4) Greed: Excessive desire, usually for material items. 
5) Lust:  a passionate or overmastering desire or craving
6) Pride: Self-absorbed; High opinion of ones own dignity.
7) Envy: Being jealous of someone else and wanting to rid them of their fortune.

This is going to be a bit of a lengthy project as I want to wait until I get my new lens (April 3rd) :D, then have a sort of birthday photo shoot! :) I have 5 of the 7 models set in stone, I still have to ask the other two :P 

Also, yes, lust was something I thought (and am still thinking) long and hard about, it will not be sleazy or anything like that. :) 

I have a lot of ideas going through my head right now for this project, but I want to keep them all locked away until I'm sure they will work :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

'Tis a Scary World

So today was yet another half day (one of four in two weeks), and the end of the week. So I decided to have a little photo shoot with Shaddin! :)
This was very spur of the moment, I just felt this urge to take photos! I knew I wanted to go outside for a change though haha. I felt ridiculous with my "soft box" on my flash haha, but it just works so well :D
Here are the two photos that I liked (they're very similar, but I couldn't decide which one I liked and which effect I preferred! )

I couldn't decide if I liked the colour of her shirt with the tree, but I don't know... I kinda like the contrast :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Home Made Soft Box

So, I have been DYING for something like a shoot through umbrella, or a soft box, ANYTHING!!!!!
I was sick of having to deal with gross lighting because I couldn't diffuse it with much... We were supposed to go get a shoot through umbrella for my off-camera flash along with a synch chord since that isn't too expensive. Too bad we can't get to the mall at the current time. So I figured... while I was waiting I may as well make a substitute :)
This, is my master creation:

I cut out the bottom of the box and covered the opening with a sheet of white fabric.

I used a puzzle box, which was a bit challenging because
of the different sizes of the two box parts. But I used a
TON of duct tape, and it worked out :)

I lined the boxes before I put them together with aluminum foil to reflect the light out
of the box rather than have the cardboard absorbe it all. I also cut a hole so I could fit the flash inside.
(Issue is I can't figure out how to get it to stay on the flash without slipping down haha)
Ok, so I know it isn't exactly... beautiful. But it works!
See here:

Without the soft box.

With the soft box!
The difference makes me tear up :'). It's so much softer and nicer!
I think I'm in love...
Now for all my other wishes ;)

I thought I would update with a picture my friend took with her cell phone as I was taking her photo with my new "soft box"! 
Enjoy :P

Isn't it stunning? :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Shaddin; This Girl Saved Me

This is the girl that pulled me out of a very depressing photography rut I was in for a while <3

This girl is Shaddin, my fantabulous best friend who was the first to willingly step foot in front of my camera and let me experiment with my photography. :) 
For a good while after school ended in 2010, I just couldn't think of anything to take photos of. (Seems difficult now to not think of anything to take photos of! ) I was particularly sad during that time, something just always nagged me. Every time I would walk by my camera I would feel so terrible... I knew that I just needed to start taking photos again... but of what? I was bored with taking photos of myself, I started to feel extremely self-centred! I just wanted something different.
Then one day, Shaddin and I decided to walk home together. :) 

I still remember that day... (especially the walk... *ahem* another story for another time :) ) as we lay there relaxing after an exhausting walk, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to just start taking photos! 
The photos I ended up getting were not very good, the lighting was simply the window and there was no true concept, but it was a start! I just needed that little push to start taking photos again. 
When she started using my photos as her profile pictures and I realized that people were commenting on the photography and how beautiful she looked, I was just encouraged more and more every day. 
For the next few months she would come over quite often and we would have one of our mini shoots almost every time. Here are some of my favourite photos from those shoots :)

This shoot was the shoot that taught me how to back
light without making the subject completely black :)
Very little photoshop.

Taking photos with her helped me more than she could know. :) Since I was able to focus more on what I was seeing and doing, my skills developed much, much faster than ever before. 
To any beginner photographers who may be reading this- branch out!!!
Trust me, it's the best way to improve. Try things you normally wouldn't, play with your camera settings and try to interperate what you're seeing. If you can't figure it out then ask! 
Shaddin has helped me so much by simply existing, and I don't think I ever told her that... I hope she knows now!
I love you Dood! 

Also, I really like this picture, but the original is on my other computer so here is the not so pretty FB version:

The shadow is too big and dark, but since this photo
I have figured out how to fix that :) (Reflectors!)
I just in general like the composition and the dramatic
lighting, I just wish I had known how to fix that shadow :P

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Real Life Fairytale

Garmisch, Germany of course! So beautiful! I went for an FEA conference a few weeks ago. I thought I would post some of my favourite pictures from the trip :)

This is my favourite!

I wish I had gotten more landscape photos, but I have a tendency to focus on the people. :P

The Adventures of Mr. Metoyou

This is Mr. Metoyou, as I now call him. :)

Here's the rundown on Mr. Metoyou :D
So I finally had a chance to take an actual photography course with an amazing photographer (Jacqueline Kent)! Anyhoo, so as I was leaving, I decided to bring along this little guy in case we did any test photos or anything like that. The above photo was taken at the class when we were testing aperture. This was also great for me because I learned how exactly to use the three exposure controls together to work best even under low light situations. :) 
After the course was over, I didn't think much of the little bear. Until one day when I was out on a photo walk with the same group from the photography course, and I realized I still had him in my camera bag. Right away, I started using him as my little subject for the photo walk. This helped me to try and expand with my creativity while taking photos :)
Here is my favourite photo from the A'ali Potter photo walk I referred to above:

Soon after this, I traveled to Garmisch, Germany for an FEA (Future Educators Association) conference. (F.Y.I. Garmisch is like a fairytale! I'm not even joking, most stunning place I have every seen.).
I took the opportunity to use this guy when we were stuck at the airport for what seemed like eternity. I had some help from Mrs. Kent's daughter, who also happens to model :P.
Here are some of my favourite photos from the outside the airport (though the first one's from inside the airport haha):
I like how it kinda looks like we're in motion and he's in perfect
focus, even though we were just sitting still. :)

I like the foreground and background elements here,
especially how the branch is kinda scratching through
I like the story this could potentially tell, it looks like the person
is walking because of the movement in the background and
Mr. Metoyou is just chillin' there :P
"Kisses From Me to You" So cute! :x
I really like the texture in this one. It's almost
like he got abandoned there a while ago! :(
So then we finally got to the resort we were staying at (yes, resort ;D ) and during one of our very few free times, we went on a walk down to the town. Here are a few pictures from that. :)

I love the warm tones of this photo which is in contrast
with the snow. It kinda looks like the snow is melting a bit,
like the relationship is coming out of a cold patch. IDK!
I'm just analyzing know haha :)
I love the detail and the texture here,
he looks so cold and lonely!
That's all of the adventures this guy has been on so far! I only just recently started using him :). I can't wait to see what else I can come up with for him the next time I get out! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Bit of History

So this all started a year and a half ago, when the only equipment I had was my little digital camera, my creative mind, and Gimp. The photo that started it all...

"Innocent Words" was my first photo that caught quite a bit of attention. This photo made me realize that maybe I did have something creative in me, maybe I did have some sort of talent, maybe I really could do this photography thing! This photo was so random. I found a blue flower head band that I never wore, and then I stuck it in my mouth and tooka  picture by the window. Why? Because it looked cool. I was a bit skeptical at first of it because it is kinda weird, but I'm so glad I finally did upload it.This was also the last photo I took before I finally got a tripod, so I could expand with my creativity.

The Tripod
I still remember the day I got my tripod. I was so excited! 6 feet of freedom! I no longer had to hold my camera in my hands and attempt to make it look like I wasn't taking the photo. :)
This is the photo I took in my living room the day I got home with my tripod:

"Can I Help You?" was my first step towards more creative photos. Naturally, I just had to put the tripod to it's highest setting for my first photo. So I propped up my camera on my brand spankin' new 6 foot tripod, I set the timer, and I ran back and forth between the floor and standing up on my tippy toes to see the photos. At this point, I was still on automatic, just developing my creativity before I realized if I wanted to be truly creative... I had to hit the books.

Eventually I found myself consumed with trying to decifer the information I found on the internet, all those confusing terms! "Shutter speed", "aperture", "focal length", and what on Earth was this... "ISO"? With the camera I had, it was very difficult to grasp these concepts as I couldn't figure out how to apply them to my little 200 dollar Sony camera. Eventually, through experimentation, I figured out what certain buttons and dials did, I just didn't know why or how they were doing these things.

Every photo I have taken has helped me learn, whether it was about photography, photoshop, or even life itself. Every single photo I have represents a mile stone I have crossed in any of these aspects.
I have a horrible memory, I can hardly remember what I had for breakfast, but I can remember every sight, sound, smell, and emotion I had when taking a certain photo.
One of my favourite photos I have taken to date, "If You Can't See Me":

I took this with my tripod facing as low as possible, a 10 second timer, and a lot of patience. At this point, I was still only using my large window as a light source. I was laying on my bedroom floor, which was absolutely freezing as it was tile. In the original photo, there was a tripod leg and lines from the tiles in my room, this is probably the photo that taught me the most about patience. Editing out all of those lines... avoiding my hair and making sure it didn't look too fake... oh my goodness! It took me for ever! But I am very proud of the final product, even one of my photography idols commented on it! :D

Horror/Creepy Photos
I have worried more than one person, especially my mother, with some of the photos that I take. I had a length of time where most of my photos were dark, looking back I understand why people were concerned haha! Even though they may have caused some concern, I still feel these photos are my favourites. I've especially grown with the bloody ones, each time getting closer to the perfect fake blood recipe! Here are my four photos that grabbed the most attention over the year and a half (one is not bloody, but close enough!):
(Chronological order; "Hush", "Prisoner", "Your Turn", "The Days After Valentines")
Wow! Putting them so close together like that you can really see the difference! 
For this photo, I had a dream the  night before of a girl holding a knife in one hand, and putting her other index finger to her lips, she then said "Hush..." Thus, "Hush" came to be! I left out the knife part because I didn't want to ruin my parent's cutlery :). For the "blood" All I did was use water and red food colouring. I know it doesn't look very realistic, but for how experienced I was at the time I think it worked well! :) (It also stained my arms for days after, so I don't recommend that method haha).
And yes, at that point, I was still using my tripod and timer. I got fake blood all over my camera! I learned my lesson! 
...Or not. 

This photo was inspired from the duct tape I had all over my walls hanging up my bed sheets which I used as backgrounds. In post-production I used the burn effect to get the "bruising" around my eyes and nose. I think it turned out quite good. :) My mom still hates the picture though! :(

"Your Turn":
This time, I used a mixture of red food colouring, water, and korn syrup. It worked 10x better, but made 10x more of a mess! Though that time I had splattered it everywhere too. This was my more recent attempt at a horror photo, combining my first two "Hush" and "Prisoner". I guess now I'm a very angry prisoner ;D. By then I had my DSLR camera (<3), and a remote to trigger the timer, so it made life a lot easier for me. Still have that same tripod!

"The Days After Valentines":
This photo means probably the most to me out of any photo I have taken. It represents the revolution which is currently occurring in many Arab countries, specifically Bahrain (Where I live). The protests began peaceful and cheerful, almost celebratory, and resulted in spilled blood and death. 
The hand is my friend, Shaddin's, who is now my personal model :) [More on her, later]. 
The blood was made with more korn syrup than the last time, and I used less red, then added some blue and yellow food colouring to the mix as well. I also added some chocolate powder to make it darker. This is actually my most recent photos, taken on February 17, 2011.

DSLR Camera
On April 3rd, 2010, I got my first DSLR camera! The Nikon D3000. One of the happiest days of my life haha! The first creative photo I took with my beautiful camera is this:

"Woosh", as I call it, definitely marks an improvement in my photography. By this time I had somewhat figured out the three exposure settings (Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO), but I still wasn't too confident with my knowledge. I sort of understood composure and what was wrong and what was right, but again, I didn't know why! This was also the first photo I took with my new flood lights. I bought two flood lights so that I could take photos with more flexibility. Well, they work! :)
Hopefully soon I will get a shoot through umbrella and something that allows me to take my new flash off of my camera :). This photo actually taught me how to use shutter speed more creatively to show movement in a photo. It also taught me not to keep my eyes open too long when wind is blowing in them. :)

My model turned best friend. :)
I introduced the idea to her by begging her to stand by a window a I snapped away. Here is one of the first photos I took of her (Just look at the emotion in her eyes haha):
She was extremely skeptical at first, as you can see. But once she realized that it wasn't going to steal her soul, she started quite enjoying it :). Now I have taken over her profile pictures! she has helped me more than she knows probably. With her being the model, I could focus more on what I was doing as the photographer, and not as the photographer AND model (it's harder than you'd think!). I love this girl so much! It was her hand in the photo "The Days After Valentines", I was pleasantly surprised when she was willing to let me put blood all over her arm, though there were some squeals along the way. :)

Re-done photos:

"Your Turn", 

"Let It Snow"

"Winter Princess"

Sorry for the Deviantart watermark on "Winter Princess", but I don't have the original with me and I had to get it off of my DA account :(